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Saturday, 8 February 2025

Sidestory: Northern Lightning ~ Plans

I already teased a bit about my next upcoming journey, and now it's almost here. Time to share my plans: I'm going to Scandinavia, which is up to this point a big, white blob on my travel map. In fact, the northernmost I've ever been so far (while on land) was the tethered island of Sylt back in 2021 (see Book IV ~ Chapter 8 ~ Sylt Stray Sillyness). As such, my record for northern latitude presently stands at just above 55°N.

As it happen, there's a very good reason for me to do something about that right now.

So, that's Sweden already covered, and since the train line to there runs through Denmark, I figured, hey, why not leave a few days earlier and do a stopover there. And since I'm already in that area, I figured, why not take it further? And before I knew it, Norway had been added to my plans as well, so here's how my travel route is looking right now:
As you can see, the route takes me almost straight north, with the exception of a small lightning-like zig-zag where the route takes me island-hopping from Denmark to Sweden... aaand my mind just took that lightning shape and mentally coined and registered the term "Northern Lightning" for this trip, so I suppose that's what I'm gonna refer to it from now.

Anyway, I have four stops planned for this trip:

  1. Three nights in Odense, Denmark
  2. Six nights in Malmö, Sweden (for the NFC)
  3. Three nights in Oslo, Norway
  4. Three nights in Stjørdal, Norway

After that, I'll take the plane back.

Now, instead of my routine thus far where I'd do the trip and then write long chapters about it afterwards, I think this time I'll try something new: Each day, after the day is done, I'll write a short chapter about the day's events, with pictures. I'll also make travel videos, but since those always take some time to put together and render, I'll do those after the trip is done and I'm back home.

So, I will set out on this new journey next week, on Saturday the 15th of February 2025, and I plan to give you the first post of the Northern Lightning trip then, in the evening. So look forward to it, and until then, be of great cheer! =^,^=


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