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Thursday, 20 February 2025

Sidestory: Northern Lightning ~ Malmö & NFC Day 2


Today starts with me wondering what that button on  my wall does. It doesn't seem to do anything. But in case anything important just blew up somewhere, you know of nothing.

After updating my blog, I go out again. By that time, it's already 10:30, sunny, and not that cold anymore (though still quite fresh).
By the way, here's my stray map for today. Again, this is limited to the stray to and from the hotel, and bikerouter did mess up some turns, but all in all, it's alright.
I pass by a computer shop where you can get some Virus Rensning. 

And then it's across the Rörsjökanalen, which is still frozen over.

I note that the manhole covers here also have a bit of a design to them, but they're not quite as artistic as those that I found in Odense or Copenhagen.

Eventually, I continue along the Östra Hamnkanalen again, which is still mostly frozen over.

 And I cross over a rotating bridge, although I'm not sure about whether that one is even rotated anymore.

As usual, things get more fuzzy the closer to the Clarion I get.

And then I'm back in the northern furry wonderland.
Today's charity vote is Ears VS Tails. Which one would you pick?

There's all sorts of furry notices hanging around.

And of course, lots of furries too.

Here's a few things you can bid for in the charity auction later during the con.

It is now 11:45, and since my first SOUP shift starts at 12:30, I grab some quick waffles for lunch at the Jam Bar, where there's a piano where anyone can just jam, as well as a little stage. The waffles are semi-self-made, actually: You get a cup of dough, and then pour it into the waffle iron, close it, turn it around, let it bake for 3 minutes, and then pick your own topping out of a wide selection. I just go for jam though. Also, some tea.


After that, I still have a bit of time before my shift begins, so I explore around, passing by the furry maid cafe.

There's also these cheese hotspots that you can tag with your con badge in some sort of treasure hunt.

And some people carry those cute animated LED backpacks around.

And then it's  time for my first SOUP shift, which is actually extremely easy. The idea is that we're  just there in case the panelist of a panel needs some assistance, which he doesn't, so we pretty much just get one free level for that. I still stick around for the panel, since It's quite interesting: It's about a professional Japanese food maker from west coast USA (who's an otter/honeybadger furry, by the way) telling us about Sushi and Kaiseki, and giving us some details that even I didn't know about, such about the composition of dishes in a Kaiseki meal. He also shows off his knives, which for once kinda makes me regret having sat front and center.

After the panel, I have some time before my next SOUP shift, so I use that time to look around some more. As I do, I come across these neat water dispensers in the hotel lobby, which are great for staying hydrated.

And then ,the situation changes: An urgent message comes in in the SOUP Telegram channel that they still need  some dealers to help with the charity poker tournament. Always eager to help, I shuffle my shifts around a bit, skip out on two that had more helpers than needed anyway, and head for the charity poker tournament, which is held just beyond the Jam Bar. First, we set up the table, and then,we're given a crash course in how to deal Texas Hold'em Poker.

What follows is several hours of poker, with nine furries per table duking it out. The raccoon at mine has the best poker face, but in the end, the dragon takes all the gold.

On the next table over, three dragons make it to the final showdown, although one of them is suffering from a severe case of fox-on-lap.
Afterwards, I join the STEW who hosted the tournament in going over to the nearby Malmö Saluhall, which is basically a stylish food court in an old harbor building.

Gemoron - a dragon that I know from waaaaay back when I was doing an internship at HandyGames during my college years, and who taught me the recipe for Naleiayafero - did recommend the Italian pasta place called Papi, so when someone of the STEW suggests that I am more than happy to go along. That one offers only four pasta dishes, but they're all good. Even better, when you can't decide, you can get the mix menu, which contains of a small bowl of each of the four dishes. It goes without saying that that's what I'm going for. I also take some Bio Aranciata Rossa to drink. All of that is amazing!

Back at the Clarion, I find more nice furry posters.

After that, I go turn in my quests, and gain another nine levels from all the work I did to day. That means I'm SOUP Lv 17 now! The loot also contains a muffler, a stress ball, a thank-you card, and most importantly, a bag of NFC-branded  green  tea! I am SO looking forward to trying that when I get back home!

I also find two more Yokai.

Also, there's these little plush Koi lying around everywhere.

There's also graffiti boards that you can just doodle on. Some of them even have fursuit-friendly giant crayons.


Oh, and here's another one of those cute animated LED backpacks.
Some furs have also brought giant inflatables.
And here's a nice mousy yin-yang wall hanging.

There's also sticker posts that furries can decorate with their many creative stickers. Self-made stickers are kinda thing in the fandom.

At this point, it is around 20:00, and I wanted to leave early. However, then I kinda got sucked into this thing where furries formed a line, holding one another by the hand, walking through the hotel, and get others to join them  by surrounding them and chanting "One of us! One of us!" until they joined the  line. In the end, that turned into a little dance party, and don't ask me how. It's weird, crazy, and amazing, and I love it!

And then it resumes into a conga line that goes around the hotel lobby and back several times, before ending in the "playground" area, where there's lots of props for furries to do silly things with.

Among other things, there's two trash bins here, for those who want to feel the authentic raccoon experience. Or maybe just feel like furry trash.

But after that, I leave for good. And with that I mean, I take the bus to Valhalla.

While waiting, I meet a really cool grey fox from Washington state, as well as an adorable arctic fox to go with it.


I also meet Thygrrr, whom I also know from my time at Handy Games. And when the bus  just doesn't come for a time, we decide to just walk over to Valhalla, with me showing him the way. There, I find a Komainu on the wall.

The arcade hall now has managed to get all of the machines up and running.

They've also got a meetup lounge and art show here, although that's pretty empty right now

I note that the screens seems to have an issue displaying the amount of money donated to this year's charity so far.

There's also a sticker pole here, where one sticker stand's out in particular. This one is German and reads "Nice here. But did you already cuddle with Betel?" This is actually a play on stickers of similar design that advertise cities and go "Nice here. But have you already been to XYZ?"

Once again, I'm on my way out, when I run into a couple of tails looking for a concert at the theater stage. That one is notoriously hard to find if you haven't been there, so I volunteer to help them out and as a result get to suffer enjoy a few minutes of VERY LOUD furry rock music. I think this  song is called Rabbit Hole.

In fact, I did record a short clip of that, so here you go:
On my  way out (for good this time), I find another Yokai.

And then I head back  to my Airbnb, this time taking a route north of the train tracks.

That means I eventually have to cross over the great switchyard of Malmö...

...and then I'm back at my Airbnb, getting some rest. That's two days down, and three more days of fuzzy goodiness to go. I'm looking forward to more of it tomorrow. So until then, stay tuned, and be of great cheer! =^,^=




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