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Monday, 17 February 2025

Sidestory: Northern Lightning ~ Odense Day 2


Since  I'm still pretty full from yesterday's dinner, I spontaneously decide that the Kringel is gonna last me for all three days here in Odense.

I also take note that I can see through a crack in the wood of  my apartment door, which is probably bad for retaining heat.

Since I covered the north of Odense yesterday, I'm headed out for a circuit around the south today. I  promise myself that it's gonna be less than 20km today. I should fail to keep that promise (21km total) (stray map on bikerouter).

It's still pretty cold outside, but I'm not gonna let that stop me.

First,  I make my way through some urban parts with brick buildings again.

There, I come across pedestrians' crossing switches  that work  by... proximity sensors? I'M actually not sure, but that's what the symbol seems to imply.

Then, there's this interesting driveway that extends across the tram tracks.

And here's a crossroads with  so many markings that you might need a map. I  especially like the diagonal zebra crossing that just suddenly stops.

I come across some garbage separation containers in front of houses which kinda  look like public ones, but there's so many of them in a small area, and once per block of flat that I think they actually might be private.

Next, I embark on a shared pedestrian, bicyclist and equestrian path.
That one takes me to the Rosenbækken Havekoloni, which apparently is Danish for "Schrebergärten".

Next, I follow a small  path between a horse racing track and a semi-frozen stream
And then, it's through some suburban areas again.

Next, I pass the zoo, which features some alpacas, as well as a climbing garden for humans that arcs  over the nearby forest.


Speaking of which, I'm walking through said forest right now. I think it's called the Fruens Bøge.

 All forests must come to an end though.

It is at this point that I cross over the Odense Å by means of a cute little wooden bridge.


On the other side, the city awaits again. This time with a bike road ++.

A bit further down the line, I come across the home of the dragons of Odense.

By now, I'm on the southern bypass of Odense, which means lots of green and forested pedestrian/bicyclist's roads.

I pass through a tunnel that has a bit of individuality in the form of randomly located lights in the ceiling.

After that, there's an open field  and another bit of forest. This one is called the Moseskov.



And then, I reach the extensive campus of the SDU: The Syddansk Universitet.

Moving north from there, I come across more interestingly-shaped buildings.

Right now, I'm headed for a commercial area, and one of the first stores I come across is normal. Perfectly normal.

My destination right now is the Rosengårdcentret, a shopping mall.


The reason for this is simple: Since yesterday I had to go hungry for a while, today I made sure my route was taking me somewhere where that could be avoided.

After scouring around for a bit, I decide to go for a Mexican place called Moe's Taco. There, I go for a dish they call "Loaded Nacho". I call it "Everything that's tasty mixed together on a plate", and it tastes amazing. Also, some Jarritos Mandarin.

They also have really stylish garbage separation bins in the mall.

Meanwhile, outside the mall, and a good bit down the road, there's this... whatever in Lerra that is.

Beyond that, there's a park leading to a mansion-like building that may or may not have been a small palace once. Today, I  think it's some kind of hostel with the adjunct nuclear bunker museum.


Today, I also come across a number of public drinking fountains in parks. Of course, they're turned off during winter for he same reason why I'm not carrying my drinking bottle around with me in sub-zero temperatures.

Speaking of which: Here's more parks. With birds. I sorta made it today's theme to try to stay within greenery for as long as possible, and it has been working out pretty well.

In one of these parks, I come across a Norse runestone. Of course I can't read it. Fortunately, there's an explanatory sign nearby. Unfortunately, the explanation is in Danish and... Bosnian?!?!? What in the name of Dragon???

Moving on, I pass by what looks  like a frozen flooded area.

After that, it's back between rows of lovely red brick houses.

And then, there's the graffiti canyon. Actually, that's an old railway line turned bike- and walkway. And actually actually, they simply left the tracks in place and filled the space between the rails with gravel.

By now, I'm almost back home.Near the station, I come across a public air pump for bicycles. Denmark really puts a focus on biking infrastructure.

As I make my way through the station building in a futile attempt to find a place that sell souvenirs, my three tails attract a trio of teenage girls who go positively ballistic at the sight of them, playfully swatting at them on the escalator and giggling. Unfortunately, they don't really have the "speaking English to communicate with foreigners" act down, so communications stay at a rudimentary level. I clearly just made someone's day though. =^,~'=

The last thing worth mentioning as I head back to the Airbnb is this neat building that I walk right by, built in two tones of bricks, and with semi-irregular balconies breaking up the shape in an appealing way.
Back at the Airbnb now. Did I mention I brought Theria along? I  figured I should mention that since bringing along one of my plushies for my travel has kinda become a thing for me.

Later, I head out once again to get some dinner. This time, I  head for a humble street food pizza place that I had my eye on for several reasons. For starters, I think experiencing the street food is also part of visiting a place, and the people in those places talk and act different than those in restaurants. Also, it's cheaper, I can easily get a smaller portion, and I haven't had any pizza in over five days now! All that, and I didn't spot any restaurant advertising anything like traditional danish cuisine, so pizza it is!

As such, my last dinner in Denmark is a tasty little pan pizza, made extra spicy, and very rewarding after two days of long walking.

And that's it for today. Tomorrow will feature my trip from Odense to Malmö via Stockholm. My plan is to stop over for Stockholm for lunch. I'll tell you how that went tomorrow. Until then, stay tuned, and be of great cheer! =^,^=

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